first aid courses plymouth

Plymouth First Aid Courses

First aid training courses are an essential skill that everyone should possess. Accidents can occur anytime, and knowing how to respond to a medical emergency, such as Triangle training, can be the difference between life and death. This post will examine the advantages of first aid courses Plymouth by PD Training for customers and businesses.

Plymouth Customer Advantages:

Improved Confidence: Knowing how to respond to a medical emergency improves consumers’ confidence, one of the most significant benefits of first aid training courses. Knowing what to do in an emergency might make Plymouth clients feel more empowered and less fearful.

Plymouth Customers can learn how to respond rapidly to medical crises through mini first aid courses, which are easy to book via the PD Training website. In a life-threatening situation, every second counts, and a timely response might be the difference between life and death.

Increased Safety: Plymouth customers can learn to spot possible hazards and avert accidents by taking mini first aid training courses, which you can book online with PD Training. This knowledge can aid in preventing accidents and making the environment safer for everyone.

Potential to Save Lives: Every second matters in a medical emergency. Plymouth customers who have received first aid training courses have the potential to save lives by offering primary care until medical personnel arrive.

Advantages for Plymouth Businesses

Safer Workplace: First aid training courses can assist Plymouth organisations in creating a safer workplace by ensuring personnel are prepared to address medical crises. Accidents can be avoided or minimised when staff know how to respond to an emergency, making the workplace safer for everyone.

Reduced Risk of Plymouth Workplace incidents: Employees who have received first aid training can respond to incidents immediately, potentially decreasing the severity of injuries and averting additional harm. This can help to reduce workplace injuries and keep employees safe.

Employee Morale is Improved: Providing first aid training to employees demonstrates that a company cares about their well-being. As a result, employee morale and job satisfaction may improve. As a result, they result in a more productive and loyal staff.

Savings on Medical bills and missed Productivity: Workplace injuries can be costly in terms of medical bills and cut productivity. First aid training can help minimise the number and severity of workplace injuries, saving the company money.

Legal Compliance: Having staff trained in first aid is a legal necessity in various sectors. Employee first aid training guarantees the company is aligned with the law and avoids potential legal concerns.


Customers and businesses in Plymouth who are interested in first aid training courses should contact PD Training. They offer various advantages, such as Automatic defibrillation training schools, all of which will enhance confidence, faster response times, less stress, increased safety, the ability to save lives, a safer Plymouth work environment, a lower chance of workplace injuries, higher employee morale, cost savings, and legal compliance. In addition, individuals and Plymouth businesses can benefit from having access to high-quality first-aid training courses to be prepared for medical emergencies. You can book online easily for PD Training courses. 

The History of First Aid in the UK

Since the nineteenth century, first aid courses have been taught in Plymouth, England. During this time, the first organisations formed to increase first-aid training and expertise. As the industrial revolution caused an increase in workplace accidents and injuries, these organisations were founded in response to the growing need for educated medical experts and first responders.

The St John Ambulance Association, founded in 1877, was the first organisation in England to promote first aid. The Order of St. John, a Christian organisation with a long history of giving medical treatment to the sick and disabled, formed the organisation. The St John Ambulance Association’s goal was to teach people basic first-aid procedures and equip them with the knowledge and abilities required to respond to emergencies.

The British Red Cross was created in 1883 with a mission similar to that of the St. John Ambulance Association. The British Red Cross aimed to give medical help to individuals in need, both during peacetime and during wartime. In addition, the organisation began to offer public first aid courses, focusing on teaching citizens to deliver emergency first aid.

The St John Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross expanded their first aid training programmes throughout the early twentieth century. During the war, they also began collaborating closely with the government, offering training courses and support to military and civil defence organisations.

During World War II, the need for qualified first responders was more significant than ever. As a result, the British Red Cross and the St. John Ambulance Association collaborated to give first aid training to millions of individuals across the UK. This training was critical in ensuring people could respond to emergencies and provide medical aid to those in need.

Following the war, the government recognised the value of first aid training courses and began to sponsor organisations like the St. John Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross. This money aided in the expansion of first aid training programmes, ensuring that more people had access to the knowledge and abilities required to deliver first aid. 

In the years after that, several other organisations in England have begun to offer first aid training. The Royal Life Saving Society, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, and the Institute of Health and Safety were among them. Each of these organisations had its focus, but they all had the same purpose: to promote first-aid training and understanding.

In the 1960s, the government formed the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which regulates workplace health and safety. The HSE collaborated closely with organisations such as the St. John Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross to ensure that workers had access to first aid training, equipment and facilities in the workplace.

First aid training evolved and expanded over the decades that followed. New procedures and technologies were developed, and organisations like the St. John Ambulance Association and the British Red Cross were essential in disseminating first aid training and expertise.

First aid training is now widely available in England, with various courses and programmes available. PD Training is one of the country’s leading suppliers of first aid training, with courses available to people, corporations, and organisations around Plymouth, and the country, all of which you can book online. Thank you for reading